
Saturday, 1 May 2021

Monday 19 April 

Today i played hide an seek with my baby brother and sister. I take our family dog for a walk with my mum ,brother, sister and my nana.

Tuesday 20 April

Today i went over to the church they had the op shop open and i got some clothes and so toys. later i take the family dog for a walk just with my mum and me when i got home i watch a movie with my family.

Wednesday 21 April 

Just stay at home with my family.

Thursday 22 April

I take the family dog for a walk with my mum, baby brother, sister and my nana.

Friday 23 April 

Take the family dog for a walk with my mum, baby brother, sister and my nana and when we started coming home it started to rain so we had to run home. I went with my mention for a hour.

Saturday 24 April 

I just stayed home with my family and watch movies.

Sunday 25 April 

Today my mum, baby brother, sister and my nana went down to Panmure to look at the flowers for ANZAC  day outside the RSA. Later my mum and me take the dog for a walk.

Monday 26 April

Today my mum and me are training the dog with sit and stay before we went for our walk.

Tuesday 27 April

Today i did some more training with the dog with my mum. Later my mum and me take the dog for a walk.

Wednesday 28 April 

I did some more training with the dog with my mum and later on mum and me take the dog for a walk.

Thursday 29 April 

Today i went down to Panmure with my mum, baby brother, sister and nana we went and look at The Salvation Army, postie, Mobile & More, Red Cross and got a hot chocolate from cafe with no name and then come home. Later we all went to Animates to get somethings for the family dog and then went to the supermarket got the bus home. 

Friday 30 April

Today i went to the park with my mum, baby brother, sister and nana. Later take the family dog for a walk. Went with my mention Today for about hour had fun.

Saturday 1 May 

Today take the family dog for a walk and got some milk. Now playing a game with my baby brother and sister. Had Mrs Clark come and take a movie for my mum, baby brother, sister, my nana and me for Mothers day.

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